Order #12345
three black circles on a white background
a man riding a wave on top of a surfboard
Order Placed
User place an order on your Wix website through the Checkout Page
a man riding a wave on top of a surfboard
Order Paid
User will be redirected to the hosted page of the payment provider
a man riding a wave on top of a surfboard
Order Shipped
Ship with your provider and update the order tracking on Wix
Business Solutions

Supercharge your Wix website with our apps

Our business app contains no hidden charges. With a set monthly fee or a one-time payment, you can start accept payments right away.
a man standing next to a woman at a table

Express Integration

No more “discovery sessions”, “integration tests”, and procedures that hinder your site from going live.
Start now
a black arrow pointing to the left
a woman sitting at a table with a laptop computer

Scale with our business apps

Whether it's an option in our app marketplace or customized for your company, we provide competitive rates and quick turnaround to achieve your business objectives more swiftly.
Auto Order Update
a black arrow pointing to the left
Display payment results on your Wix order panel; no manual update is required.
Detailed Payment Events (coming soon)
a black arrow pointing to the left
Show all incidents that took place with the payment provider for monitoring.
No Maintenance Cost
a black arrow pointing to the left
In contrast to developers requesting hundreds for ongoing integration, we don't demand it.

Simplify operations and drive growth

Only 3 steps are required to start accepting payments.
a black and white image of a cross on a white background
Apply a payment provider account

Get approved from PhonePe, CCAvenue or any local payment provider to enable capabilities to accept live payments.
a black and white icon of a document
Provide API keys and site access

Once we've received that, we will start working on the integration, and the process takes up to 1 day. Fast enough?
three books are stacked on top of each other
Get your first sales 🎉

Launch your site with your local payment provider integration + strong Wix eCommerce platform!